Attending your dental appointment
You will be given an appointment if it is necessary to solve your dental problem. Before attending, please read the information on the previous page entitled 'Appointment'. We would appreciate if you could complete the forms before your visit. The FORMS are available on our website Springfield Dental Care . Completing the paperwork beforehand will shorten the time of your visit to reduce the risk of Transmission.
- Patient must attend the practice alone, unless ONE accompanying person (parent, carer, or comforter) is essential.
- If there are many patients waiting in the waiting room, please wait in your car or outside the surgery until you have been called. Please notify the receptionist of your arrival if possible. A door bell is also available.
- Covid-19 Screening - we will ask you questions about:
a) Have you had Covid or been tested for Covid-19?
b) Do you have Covid symptoms -a new continuous cough, high temperature or fever, loss of or change in sense of smell or taste.
c) Your Covid vaccination status.
- Enhanced infection control measures - you and any essential accompanying person must perform hand hygiene on arrival at the practice and before leaving. Alcohol rub is available and dispensed from a dispenser on the wall.
- Please do not bring any personal belongings.
- Please follow the latest government guidelines regarding Protecting yourself and others.
- Please bring a pen to be used by yourself. It is preferrable if you can communicate with the practice beforehand to minimise any paperwork on the day of your appointment.
- We shall postpone your treatment if you have Covid symptoms or tested positive.
- We would kindly ask if you could use contactless or card payment if possible, as this would avoid contacts for both the patients and staff alike.
Springfield Dental Care.